我们仍在接受2024-2025学年的申请 适用于今天!
将这些增值资产赠予他人可以帮助你避免缴纳资本利得税, 还能给你所得税减免.
Work with the Foundation Office to establish a scholarship fund to honor or memorialize loved ones. Such tribute gifts will make a significant impact on the lives of students and possibly change the trajectory of their lives for eternity.
用简单的方法将你慷慨的结果成倍增加, 灵活的, 具有成本效益和强大的计划礼品.
如果你是70岁半或以上, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is a tax-efficient way for you to give a sizable contribution directly from your Individual Retirement 账户 (IRA).
Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle because they are the easiest, 这是最明智的纳税方式. 从您的捐赠人建议基金中创建一个奖助金推荐,以支持今天的EC!
非现金资产的供款, 或“实物礼物”, 捐赠的是有形财产,比如书籍吗, 设备, 房地产, 个人收藏, 或其他个人财产. 了解更多有关如何通过非现金实物礼品支持电子商务的信息.
如果你正在寻找一种方法来维持你现在的生活方式, 增加你的财务安全, 降低税收, 考虑创建一个慈善礼物年金.
您可以使用以下提供的信息从您的银行直接将资金电汇到EC. 为了确保正确的记录,请注明您的姓名和赠送目的.
收到银行: 哥伦比亚银行
受益人法定账户: 新葡京app联会基金
账户 & 路由#: 请致电973与基金会联络.427.9294是银行账号和路由号码.
银行地址: 19-01 Rt. 新泽西州北费尔草坪208号,07410
备忘录/参考: 捐款人姓名及捐赠目的(如有), 否则,资金将被拨给最需要的地方
许多人选择捐赠股票或证券,而不是现金礼物. 现在就把增值的资产给别人,享受收益, 或者把我们列为这些资产的受益人,取消遗产税和遗产税, 充分利用你的天赋.
DTC # 0226
税号:26- 437254
将以下转帐详情电邮至 foundation@mysrcbs.com 这样我们就可以感谢您,并寄给您一张税单。
电子邮件: maurabyrnes@mysrcbs.com
奖学金可以减轻家庭的经济负担, 帮助学生实现上帝赋予的梦想和目标, and ensure that future generations of students enjoy the same opportunities to learn and grow at 新葡京app.
An 捐赠奖学金 is one in which the full amount of the gift is deposited into EC’s endowment fund and only the interest earned is spent on tuition assistance, 让校长成长并延续到下一代. 捐资冠名奖学金的最低捐款额为10万美元. This amount allows enough interest to be earned to award about $5,000 in scholarships every year.
An 消耗品奖学金, 另一方面, is one in which the donor and EC can determine how and when to award the full amount of the donation in scholarships. 捐献至少$50,000元可设立消耗性冠名基金.
The 1892年社会 was established as a way to honor those who have pledged to include 新葡京app in their estate plans. 今天,计划好的礼物不需要花费任何成本,但仍然可以让你产生难以置信的影响.
现为1892名会员, 代表欧共体校友, 朋友, 父母和祖父母, are heroes to us because they are supporting the next generation of Christian leaders through their planned legacy gifts.
Join the 1892年社会 today and secure an excellent Christ-centered education for future generations of students by making a planned gift to honor a loved one or to show what’s important in your life.
到目前为止最受欢迎的有计划的礼物, a donation in your will or trust empowers 新葡京app to continue providing rigorous, 以基督为中心的教育,为学生的后代. 你是否决定指定一个特定的金额或留下一定比例的遗产, including EC in your estate planning demonstrates the importance of Christian education and models a legacy of generosity to your loved ones, as well as ensures that Eastern Christian continues to make a difference beyond your lifetime.
EC is proud to provide all members of our community with complimentary access to trusted, biblically-based conversations regarding your will or trust with a Christian estate planner through the 巴拿巴基金会.
联系 the 巴拿巴基金会 to start a conversation regarding your will today at 888.448.3040或访问他们的网站:barnabasfoundation.org
适合70岁半或以上的人, QCDs are a great way to make gifts directly from your IRA especially if you have a Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for the year, which is the minimum amount that an individual must withdraw from their IRA each year once they reach age 73, 因为QCD礼物可以帮助你满足RMD要求,同时降低你的应税收入.
If you wish to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution, 联系 your IRA custodian to get started.
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is like a charitable investment account that is set up for the sole purpose of supporting charities. 个人可以捐献现金, 股票, 或其他资产进入DAF,并立即获得税收减免. 然后,这些资金由DAF托管人管理,用于免税投资, 捐赠者可以向他们选择的慈善机构推荐捐款, 在捐赠策略上提供灵活性.
联邦税号(EIN): 26- 437254
如果你选择以捐款人建议基金支持教统会,请 联系 基金会办公室:973-427-9294或 foundation@mysrcbs.com to let us know to ensure that you are properly acknowledged and that your grant gets put to use as you intend.
许多捐赠者全年向东方基督徒赠送有形财产, 特别是拍卖晚会或其他筹款活动. 实物礼物可能包括书籍, 设备, 家具, 商业利益, 房地产, 个人收藏或其他个人财产. These gifts should be pre-arranged with the Foundation Office to ensure that the gift may be accepted, and EC reserves the right to use or liquidate any non-cash gifts in the best interest of the school.
愿意捐赠价值超过5,000美元的非现金捐赠的捐赠者.00 must provide the Foundation Office with an appraisal from an independent qualified source. 请咨询您的税务顾问或 IRS第561号出版物 来确定你潜在捐赠财产的价值.
不要忘记与基金会办公室联系,电话:973-427-9294或 foundation@mysrcbs.com 安排向基督教东区捐赠实物礼物.
终身收入礼物, 比如慈善礼物年金, 对那些愿意以实质的方式给予的基督徒来说,有什么奇妙的解决办法吗, 但可能会担心是否有足够的退休收入.
新葡京app partners with the 巴拿巴基金会 to make it possible for supporters like you to provide a gift up to $50,从你的个人退休账户中拿出000美元来买礼物年金. 作为这份礼物的交换, 巴拿巴基金会将根据你的年龄,每年给你固定的报酬, 只要你还活着. 也, 如果你是73岁或以上, 这些礼物将从您的个人退休帐户中计算所需的最低分配, 既然这些钱是捐给慈善机构的, 它们是免税的. 这对你和东方基督徒来说是双赢!
We do advise you to consult with a qualified estate planning attorney or financial advisor to determine if this is the right option for you. 欧共体自豪地为您提供免费的可信赖通道, 与基督教遗产规划师进行的基于圣经的对话 巴拿巴基金会 新葡京app可能的礼物年金.
请致电巴拿巴基金会,了解更多有关888支付您收入的礼物.448.3040或致电973与新葡京app基金办事处联络.427.9294 or foundation@mysrcbs.com 寻求帮助或更多信息.
新葡京app is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with tax identification number (EIN) 26-4337254.
基金会办公室| 973-427-9294 | foundation@mysrcbs.com